

The Armadillo Lizard - A Small but Mighty Reptile

The Armadillo lizard, also known as the armadillo girdled lizard, is a unique and fascinating species of reptile that is native to South Africa. Known for its armor-like scales and defensive behaviors, the armadillo lizard is a small but mighty creature that has captured the interest of scientists and reptile enthusiasts around the world.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the armadillo lizard, exploring its physical characteristics, habitat, diet, and behavior.

Physical Characteristics

The armadillo lizard gets its name from its armor-like scales, which cover its entire body and provide excellent protection from predators. These scales are made of keratin, the same material that makes up human hair and nails, and are arranged in overlapping plates that allow the lizard to roll into a tight ball when threatened.

The armadillo lizard is also known for its wedge-shaped head, short legs, and long, muscular tail. It is a small reptile, with males reaching lengths of up to 8 inches and females reaching lengths of up to 6 inches.


The armadillo lizard is found primarily in rocky outcroppings and savannah grasslands in South Africa. It prefers dry, arid habitats and is known to burrow into the soil to escape the heat of the day.

Armadillo lizards are also known to be excellent climbers and can often be found basking on rocks or hiding in crevices in the rocks.


Armadillo lizards are omnivores and feed on a variety of insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. They are also known to eat plant material, including fruits and leaves.

Their powerful jaws and sharp teeth allow them to crush and eat hard-shelled prey, such as beetles and snails. They are also able to extract moisture from their food, which allows them to survive in arid environments with limited water sources.


Armadillo lizards are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They are also known to be solitary animals and are only known to come together during the breeding season.

When threatened, armadillo lizards will roll into a tight ball, using their armor-like scales to protect themselves from predators. They are also able to wedge themselves into tight crevices, making it difficult for predators to reach them.

Armadillo lizards are also known to use their tails as a defensive mechanism. When threatened, they will lash out with their tails, striking their attacker with their powerful muscles.


The armadillo lizard is a unique and fascinating reptile that has adapted to survive in the harsh, arid environments of South Africa. Its armor-like scales, powerful jaws, and defensive behaviors make it a formidable opponent for predators and its omnivorous diet allows it to thrive in environments with limited food sources.

While armadillo lizards are not commonly kept as pets, they are a popular species among reptile enthusiasts and are considered an important part of the ecosystem in South Africa. By understanding and appreciating these small but mighty reptiles, we can ensure that they continue to thrive in the wild for generations to come.

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