

The Australian Pelican

The Australian Pelican, scientifically known as Pelecanus conspicillatus, is a large water bird found in Australia, New Guinea, and some nearby islands. In this essay, we will discuss the physical characteristics, habitat, behaviour, diet, and conservation status of the Australian Pelican.

Physical Characteristics:

The Australian Pelican is a large bird, measuring around 1.6-1.9 meters in length and weighing between 4-13 kg. They have a white plumage, black flight feathers, and a large, distinctive bill with a yellow, pink, and black pouch beneath it. The bill can reach up to 50 cm in length, and is used for catching and carrying fish.


The Australian Pelican is a common sight in Australia, where it can be found in a variety of aquatic habitats, including estuaries, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas. They are also found in New Guinea and some nearby islands. They prefer shallow waters and areas with abundant fish populations.


The Australian Pelican is a highly social bird, often found in large flocks. They are known for their distinctive flight pattern, which involves gliding and soaring on thermals with their wings held in a V-shape. They are also known for their unique feeding behaviour, which involves swimming on the surface of the water and scooping up fish with their bill and pouch. They will often work together in groups to herd fish into shallower water where they are easier to catch.


The Australian Pelican is primarily a fish-eating bird, with a diet that consists mainly of small fish such as mullet, anchovies, and sardines. They will also eat larger fish, such as salmon and trout, as well as crustaceans, amphibians, and even small birds.

Conservation Status:

The Australian Pelican is listed as a species of least concern on the IUCN Red List, as it is not considered to be facing any significant threats at this time. However, habitat loss and pollution may pose a threat to populations of the Australian Pelican in the future.


In conclusion, the Australian Pelican is a fascinating and unique bird species found in Australia, New Guinea, and some nearby islands. They are known for their large size, distinctive bill and pouch, and unique feeding behaviour. While they are not currently facing any significant threats, conservation efforts are still important to ensure that populations of the Australian Pelican remain stable and healthy in the future.

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